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cartridge pouches造句

"cartridge pouches"是什么意思  
  • A light horseman may have also worn one shoulder belt, for their cartridge pouch.
  • He pointed to a deteriorating leather cartridge pouch in the musty basement of the Visitor Center.
  • Now wearing blue uniforms, they were distinguished by black leather belts, and a slightly different arrangement of cartridge pouch.
  • Nevertheless, the " leather bellies " ( the nickname given to the legionnaires by the Russians because of the large cartridge pouches that they wore attached to their waist-belts ), performed well.
  • Prior to the introduction of speedloaders for revolvers, reloading of revolvers was always accomplished by manually loading each cartridge into each chamber from cartridge loops on a belt or bandolier, a cartridge pouch, or other cartridge holder, such as a pocket.
  • "You used to see people in cutoff chinos with rubber bands, people with plastic pistols and cartridge pouches made from handbags, " said Henry Cooke of Randolph, a historical tailor and authority on clothing, military uniforms, and accouterments of the 1770s and 1780s.
  • It's difficult to see cartridge pouches in a sentence. 用cartridge pouches造句挺难的
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